Friday, June 13, 2008

Freaky Friday

The Freaky Friday most people right now are familiar with is the newest version with the mom played by Jamie Lee Curtis that has a dysfunctional family. Right now, I would like to focus on the older version directed by Gary Nelson. The story was originally written by Mary Rodgers who also wrote the screenplay. It was released January 21, 1977 by Disney. It is a great family comedy about a mother and daughter switching not only roles, but bodies! In this movie, and mother and daughter find their personalities switched one Friday and our forced to live each other's lives. It is a hilarious way to show family ties and unconditional love. The newer version has a harder plot with the mother's wedding rehearsal and the daughter's concert colliding into the same day- even the same hour. The mother and daughter chose that day to reconnect and end up switching back to their own bodies. The older version was nominated for 3 Golden Globes! I saw it and fell head over heels in love with it.

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Nothing new to report, folks.
I am spending the night at a friend's house.
i have'nt gotten much work done today. Hopefully I will tonight though if Joanna doesnt mind leaving a lamp on or something.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

What I learned today

So today I did a huge amount of school work. When I got sick of history since I have been doing history ALOT lately, I did TA work. I graded papers and checked in books and things like that. Of course the teachers were VERY appreciative. I did the last english essay today, too. I had been working on it for at least 3 weeks, and I told the sub that today and she came over and explained the question to me. It asked how the western movement influenced the Romantic Tradition. She explained (rather well) that the east was a place where everything was structured and controlled. When people started to move west, more was allowed. The laws were less strict, and thus they had gun fights, etc. Well, people from the west started writing more of what they felt since it was being less frowned upon than it would have if they were still in the East. They wrote about emotions and things like that. The Romantic Tradition was when writings that expressed the emotions was the norm. So, the people moving to the west, or the Western Movement helped bring along the Romantic Tradition. Well, my essay was much better than what I just told you guys, but that is pretty much the point of the essay. I should get a pretty good grade on it. Right now my American Literature 1 overall grade is a b- it should get better or stay the same since I've been doing pretty good lately in english. Also, I am finished in english now.
I finished business math months ago, but I am redoing my lowest grades so I can bring my grade up higher. Then, I am redoing things in Geometry to pull those grades up higher, although I finished that last week. AND, I have just finished english, but I dont know if I need to correct anything or not. I should finish history thursday or monday.
I only have 1 math test to redo. I have 5 bussiness math assignments to redo (5 minutes each) and I have 3 history packets left, and 5 or 6 history tests to do.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Essay #3

Okay, I am having a little bit of a hard time with this essay and it is due by the fifteenth.

How did the frontier and the western movement of peoples help the development of the Romantic tradition?
Paragraph 1 has to have 3 "analysis"s. After that, there is a paragraph explaining each "analysis", then the closing paragraph.
If you know the answer to the question, it would be nice if someone could explain it to me.
When I have the essay done, I will run it by you guys in case you want to read it.

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