Wednesday, March 26, 2008


So today, I was going to write a paragraph or two about Wonder Woman. However, my darling sister says that my blog is boring since I dont talk about me. So, just this once, I am going to tell you why I like writing about things like Wonder Woman.
I used to just tell people that I like the seventies. I had to stop saying that though, because most people thought that I just liked the artificial 70's because I "didnt really know what it was like". Well, I know that there was some pretty bad stuff going on in the 70's, like drugs. However, the 60's and 70's, and even the 80's are years that gave birth to some really wonderful song artists and tv shows. The Partridge Family is one of those. It is a little bit fake, but it shows what the ideal life (to me) would have been like. There was great music, lessons to be learned, and hilarious situations.
So, I would have to say that I like writing about things like the Beatles, and Wonder Woman, because I like hearing about things that I like. The time I spend every day writing about things I enjoy is time that I am not stressed out about school work, cleaning the house, or other problems. It gives me time to relax before I tackle things I need to get done.
For the rest of you that still think my blog is boring, I just want to say that blogging is more fun to me this way, and it is the only reason I still blog. I am getting sick of always writing about how my day is going, and I am not always interested in hearing about somebody else's life that just happens to be just like mine. It's not like I dont want to hear how my sister's husband is doing, etc, it's just that I want to read about something outside of our everday lives.


Rosebud said...

Way Cool Stuff!
But can you get rid of the squiggly abc thing for comments? It makes me cross-eyed.

isuperhero said...

what squiggly thing?

Grace said...

Yo Booger brain how are you? Now I understand, but I do like to hear about your life too. BTW you really need to start nagging Dad about the money for your trip, it is comming up really soon! and PLEEEEZE get rid of the word verification for comments.

isuperhero said...

I dont know how to fix the word verification thingy. I'll start on dad tomorrow, i guess.

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